2018國際兒童繪畫比賽評審 ∣ Judging The 2018 International Children’s Art Contest

2018國際兒童繪畫比賽 | 13人評審團讚!

Wonderful! The 2018 International Children’s Art Contest had 475 participants. Among them, there were 138 local Canadian entries and the remaining 337 were from overseas, including Xi’an China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia. The review was completed by 13 professional judges, including famous painters, calligraphers and photographers from China and Ontario. The award presentation will take place on April 28th and an exhibition will run to May 3rd at OCAA.



日前評審工作已經完成。專業評審團13人,包括來自中國及本地的畫家、畫法家及攝影家,如圖示,左起羅錦濤、黄昆明、Moira Mudie苗梅雅Beverly Israel、黄紹明、李廣奇、會長伍川宇、冼菲沙Fraser Shein何銘深、葉雅鈿、呂祐章、黄鉗灼、梁燕玉及徐啓明評審團對於本屆參賽作品大讚,他們選出了金獎24名、銀獎48名,及銅獎81名,優秀獎184名及其入選獎138。名單已在會內公佈,並且個別通知本地金銀銅獎得主(得獎名單以評審團報告為準)

頒獎禮將於428(星期六)下午2時,在該會展覧廳舉行。頒獎嘉賓計有國會議員 M.P. Jean Yip ,及多倫多市議員李振光Chin Lee

所有參賽作品於42853日,每天中午12時至下午5時,在該會公開展出。歡迎參觀,地址: 3838 Midland Ave. unit 102, Toronto  ON, Canada  M1V 5K5。電話:416-586-9837

2018國際兒童繪畫比賽頒獎禮 Children's Art Contest Award Presentation
国际儿童绘画比赛 2018 Annual International Children’s Art Contest

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