「2019國際兒童繪畫比賽」現正徵稿 2019 Annual International Children’s Art Contest Open for Registration

Download Entry Form 2019 參賽表格下載

由加拿大安省中國美術會主辦,「2019國際兒童繪畫比賽」現正徵稿。此比賽宗旨為: 啟迪孩子們美的心靈、培養創新及鑑賞能力。提供交流及展示的機會。至於參賽主題不限,可自行選定。

參加者為16歲以下世界各族裔少年兒童,分四組進行評審,於31 5日前 送交或郵寄至3838 Midland Ave. unit 102, Toronto ON, Canada M1V 5K5 安省中國美術會會址。



由加拿大安省中国美术会主办,「2019国际儿童绘画比赛」现正征稿。此比赛宗旨为: 启迪孩子们美的心灵、培养创新及鉴赏能力。提供交流及展示的机会。至于参赛主题不限,可自行选定。

参加者为16岁以下世界各族裔少年儿童,分四组进行评审,于31 5日前送交或邮寄至3838 Midland Ave. unit 102, Toronto ON, Canada M1V 5K5 安省中国美术会会址。


2019 Annual International Children’s Art Contest

Hosted by Ontario Chinese Artists Association

Organizer: Ontario Chinese Artists Association

Objectives: To encourage & to evoke creativity and imagination

To create & provide the opportunity of communication, view and emulate, mutual-learning and display.

Theme: Any topics are encouraged and will be accepted

Registration time: 12:00-5:00pm, January 2nd to March 15th(according to postmark)

Registration form download: www.ocaa.info

Mailing address: 3838 Midland Ave. unit 102, Toronto, ON, Canada, M1V 5K5

                                (Please write” Submission for Painting Contest” on envelop)

Exhibition duration: April 27th to May 2nd, 2019, 12:00pm-5:00pm

Award ceremony: April 27th, 2019, 2:00pm 

Site: 3838 Midland Ave. unit 102, Toronto, ON, Canada M1V 5K5

Official rules and regulations: Contestants are limited to children 16 years of age and younger

Four age-categories for submission and judging: 6 and younger, 7-9, 10-12 and 13-16

Medium: Paintings and drawings, no limit on materials

To enter the contest, contestants warrant and represent that the artwork is their own original work product and release. One submission per contestant (contestant’s name must appear on the back of the artwork).

Gold, Silver, Bronze, Excellence and Selected Awards will be given. When registering, submit registration form with entry fee (if needed *). All the original artwork submitted with contest entry will not be mailed back.

OCAA has the right to the publication of the artwork submitted with contest.

Size: 9X 12”(23X30cm) and 14X 17(35.5X43.2cm), traditional Chinese painting (45.3x68cm)

Evaluation criteria: originality, theme presentation and artistic skills

Entry Fee *:

(a) Inside Province of Ontario– 10 dollars (CAD) per person. Each gold, silver and bronze winner will be awarded one medal and one certification. Excellence and Selected award winners will be presented certifications.

 (b) Outside Province of Ontario– free entry fee.  Each gold, silver, bronze winner will be mailed back one certification. Allcontestant groups will be mailed back winner certification and participation certification.

Payment: Cash, check or money order are payable to Ontario Chinese Artists Association”

Contact: Tel: 416-586-9837;     E-mail: ocaa@ocaa.info;       www.ocaa.info

国际儿童绘画比赛 2019

: 加拿大安省中国美术会

宗旨: 迪孩子美的心灵、养创新及鉴赏能力。提供交流及展示的机会。


时间: 201912 315 , 每天下午125(邮寄作品以邮戳为准)。

表格下载: www.ocaa.info

送件或邮寄地点:安省中术会  3838 Midland Ave.,  unit 102, Toronto ON, Canada  M1V  5K5 (封面請寫上 Submission for Painting Contest)

展览时间:  2019427 52, 每天中午12时至下午5时。

颁奖时间2019427 下午2时正。

展览及颁奖地点加拿大安省中术会3838 Midland Ave. unit 102, Toronto ON, Canada M1V 5K5



2.组别:   A: 6岁及以下; B:7-9;  C:10-13;   D:14-16岁。

3.作品只限绘画, 但材料不限。





8.作品规格:9X 12 (23X30cm) 14X 17”(35.5 X 43.2cm) ;国画4尺开三 (45.3x68cm)


10. 参赛费:



 11.付款方式 、支票、 汇票。 (支票及汇票台头为:Ontario Chinese Artists Association)

:(416586-9837  , ocaa@ocaa.info ,   www.ocaa.info 


Request for Artwork from Members 徵稿

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