Cheers! Keep up the good work!!「2019國際兒童繪畫比賽頒獎禮」畫不停


Cheers! Keep up the good work!!

Award Presentation of the International Children’s Art Contest 2019

253 pieces of artworks were received in this year. Among them, 108 were from local Toronto, and the remaining 145 were from Calgary Canada, China, Hong Kong and Malaysia. From 4 to 16 years old, participants were divided into four groups to run for 15 gold medals, 25 silver medals, and 38 bronze medals.

During the award presentation, MP Jean Yip, MPP Ais Babikan, and Toronto City Councilor Jim Karygiannis were impressed by the works on display. They asked the kids to continue painting.  “Please don’t stop, you are our geniuses, our future artists, architects, designers…” They said, and the whole audience cheered. OCAA President Jordan Wu thanked people for their support to this competition over the past 10 years, especially the parents and the art teachers. Their hard work has greatly benefited the children.




當日頒獎嘉賓計有國會議員葉嘉麗 MP Jean Yip ,省議員白必勤MPP Aris Babikan,及多倫多市議員詹嘉禮Councillor Jim Karygiannis。三位頒獎嘉賓同時被展出的作品吸引和感動,一同呼喚小畫家們「維續畫下去,請不要停,你們是我們的天才、未來的美術家、建築師、設計師… 」引來全場歡呼。而會長伍川宇則感謝各方這十多年來對此比賽的支持,特別是家長及老師們,他們的心血栽培,豐益了兒童的身心。

是次評審團包括畫家、畫法家及攝影家,計有徐啓明、黄昆明、廖淑先、梁燕玉、苗梅雅Moira Mudie、冼菲沙Fraser Shein、、張哲旋、陸裔芸及黄鉗灼。

所有參賽作品在該會展出至52日,歡迎市民參觀,共享童趣。地址: 3838 Midland Ave. unit 102, Toronto ON, Canada  M1V 5K5。電話:416-586-9837。電郵:

通告: 2019年度會員大會 Members' Meeting
2019 國際兒童繪畫比賽頒獎禮 Children Art Contest Award Ceremony

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