彭志勇 Peng Zhiyong



彭志勇 1956年生广东省韶关地区南雄市人助理建筑师自幼酷爱中国书画艺术。自学经典书画图籍,如巜芥子园画傅》及巜颜体字帖》等。善于在继承传统中学习提高。花甲之年移居多伦多,成为安省中国美术会会员。得益于会内诸多名家指导,使自己喜欢的楷书,行书,工笔山水花鸟画等,心有所得,得以提高。

Peng Zhiyong is a retired  architect assistant and coming from Guangdong China. He loves Chinese painting and calligraphy since his childhood. He studies classical paintings and calligraphy from the help of books and friends.  

He moved to Toronto Canada in his sixties and became a member of the Ontario Chinese Artists Association.  

Mr. Peng thanks to the tips from many famous masters in the association, he has made his favorite regular script painting, running script painting including landscape, flowers and birds.“ I have gained a lot and there are still many rooms to improve.” Mr. Peng said. 

唐曉樂 Tang Xiaole
趙健俊 Jian Jun Zhao

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