李明 (Ming Lee)


李明, Ming Lee, 來自台灣的中國人, 祖籍河北, 安省中國美術會會員, 加國美術家協會會員, 政大中文研究所碩士. 自幼酷愛美術, 受業於多位名師, 學習國畫山水及花鳥, 迄今四十餘年.

2001年移民來加後, 又努力學習油畫, 於2006及2008年分別於多倫多舉辦”彩繪人生”第一及第二次個人油畫展.

其後並受邀參加”中加藝術名家精品聯展” , ”加拿大國際中國書畫名家展”, 及”安省中國美術會”多次書畫展, 其國畫作品”一樹花陰” 及”長青雙壽”獲大多倫多中華文化中心收藏. 此外並有多幅油畫及國畫作品獲加拿大及台灣個人收藏.


Ming Lee, also known as Mindy Wei, is Chinese, from Taiwan. She is a member of the Ontario Chinese Artists Association and the Jia-Guo Artists Association . She holds a Master’s degree in Chinese Literature from the National Cheng-Chi University. Her love for art started at a very young age. She studied Chinese painting under some well-known artists. She has been studying Chinese -style painting in her leisure over the last 40 years .

Since moving to Toronto in 2001, she has been diligently learning oil painting . Her paintings were showcased in “Painting Colorful Life – Mindy Wei’s Art Exhibition” in 2006 and 2008 in Toronto.

She was invited to “Joint Exhibition of Recent Artworks by 20 Famous Chinese and Canadian Artists” , “Canada International Renowned Chinese Artists Exhibition” and “Ontario Chinese Artists Association” art exhibitions . Her works “Wisteria” and “Paradise Flycatchers and Evergreen” has been collected by the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto. Many of her works were collected by individuals in Canada and Taiwan.


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